by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Apr 25, 2022 | administration, best practices, beta, documentation, IBM, ibmcloud, informix, IT, Oracle, support, Upgrade
Successful support casesIn my day job, I work with latest technology and cloud services. In addition, I work with customers / users and help them succeed. And in my private life, I also use technical equipment. In all three of these scenarios, mostly in the first two,...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Feb 19, 2021 | best practices, chatbot, developer, IBM, IT, watson
Chatbots take over customer serviceLast week, I was coach again at a chatbot hackathon. Chatbots have been around for a long time and I have blogged about tips & tricks for developing chatbots and resources many times. With Covid-19 transforming the world towards...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Apr 14, 2020 | agile, best practices, developer, IBM, IT, Life
Rubber duck debugging at home Recently, I shared with you my best practices for working from home. Today, I want to add an angle specific to technical jobs, especially for developers. When you work in co-located teams, you benefit from the direct conversations and...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Apr 8, 2020 | administration, best practices, bluemix, cloud, IBM, ibmcloud, IT, security
Guard credentials in a vault In my previous blog post, I showed how you can easily encode and upload credentials to IBM Cloud Key Protect. Today, I am going to share sample code with you for retrieving the credentials and turning them back into a JSON object. A common...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Apr 8, 2020 | administration, best practices, bluemix, cloud, IBM, ibmcloud, IT, security
Guard credentials in a vault In my previous blog post, I showed how you can easily encode and upload credentials to IBM Cloud Key Protect. Today, I am going to share sample code with you for retrieving the credentials and turning them back into a JSON object. A common...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Mar 24, 2020 | administration, best practices, cloud, FIDO, FIDO2, IT, security
Some of my FIDO2 security keys Since starting my journey (and blogs) with FIDO2 security keys, I got questions about how I use the keys and how I set up my various accounts for 2nd factor authentication. In this blog post, I am trying to address those questions and...
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