by Frank Fillmore | Sep 21, 2023 | big data, BigInsights, DB2 for Linux Unix Windows, DB2 for z/OS, Db2 Warehouse, Hadoop, IBM Think Conference, Lakehouse,
IBM hosted the inaugural TechXchange Conference in Las Vegas last week (September 11 – 15, 2023). Here’s what I liked: The Developer community was the primary focus of TechXchange. This is a significant change from the pre-pandemic IBM technical...
by IBM Hybrid Data Management | Oct 29, 2020 | DB2 for z/OS
If you have recently looked at the topic where we summarize the Recent enhancements to Db2 12, perhaps you noticed several entries for Db2 subsystem parameters (ZPARMs) that have been changed or removed in Db2 12. The goal of these changes is to simplify...
by Craig S. Mullins | Oct 21, 2020 | AI, AMI, automation, BMC, DB2 for z/OS, DBA, DevOps, ML
Recently I was invited by BMC Software to participate in their AMI Z Talk podcast series to talk about modern data management for Db2… and I was happy to accept.Anne Hoelscher, Director of R+D for BMC’s Db2 solutions, and I spent about 30 minutes...
by Frank Fillmore | Oct 12, 2020 | DB2 Education, DB2 for Linux Unix Windows, DB2 for z/Linux, DB2 for z/OS, DB2 Gold Consultants, DB2 Stars, International DB2 Users Group (IDUG), TFG Blog
Having participated in many board meeting debates over the years about the best place to hold meetings of the Baltimore/Washington Db2 Users Group, it’s a bit sad to learn that the 2021 IDUG North America Conference is already being planned as a virtual event,...
by Frank Fillmore | Sep 21, 2020 | Baltimore Washington DB2 Users Group, Containers, DataStage, DB2 for z/Linux, DB2 for z/OS, DB2 Migrations, ETL, Federation, HiperSockets, IBM DB2 Services, IBM System z, InfoSphere, International DB2 Users Group (IDUG), Kubernetes, mainframe modernization, OpenShift, Red Hat, Replication, RHEL, Webinar, z/Linux, z/VM
I want to thank everyone who helped make the inaugural Mid-Atlantic Db2 for z/OS Users Group virtual meeting such a great success: my colleague, Kim May, for pulling the meeting together and for filling a void of timely technical content for this topic and this region...
by Frank Fillmore | Sep 3, 2020 | Baltimore Washington DB2 Users Group, DB2 Education, DB2 for z/Linux, DB2 for z/OS, DB2 Gold Consultants, Frank Fillmore, Red Hat, TFG Blog
Announcing the new Mid-Atlantic Db2 for z/OS Users Group! With COVID-19 forcing Regional Users Groups (RUGs) to transition from in-person to virtual meetings, and with the support of the International Db2 Users Group and hearing about their regional affiliates’...
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