by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Jan 20, 2023 | automation, cloud, developer, IBM, ibmcloud, IT, terraform
Tekton pipeline in action on IBM CloudAutomation is key to cost-efficient use of (cloud) resources and to security. One of our security-focused IBM Cloud solution tutorials, Apply end to end security to a cloud application, comes with an automation to easily provision...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | May 16, 2022 | administration, cloud, DB2, developer, Docker, IBM, ibmcloud, IT, Kubernetes, Python
De-containerizing my stuffBy following my blog posts (here or at the IBM Cloud site) or my code samples, you might know that many of my apps are coded in Python. Moreover, many projects involve IBM Db2 (see “How to connect from Python to Db2”). With...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Mar 5, 2021 | developer, github, ibmcloud, IT, Python, security, tutorial
Secured Python Flask app on Code EngineRecently, I migrated an existing Python app from a Cloud Foundry to an IBM Cloud Code Engine deployment. The Flask app uses decorators for the routes and for OIDC-based authentication. For usability, the app should start up even...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Mar 1, 2021 | DB2, developer, IT, json, knowledge center, nodejs, Python, security, version 11.5
Python script connecting to Db2 with JWTSome weeks ago I discussed how to configure JWT-based token authentication in Db2. I set up Db2 to accept JWS identity tokens and then connected to my test database using the command line. But how do you connect from a...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Feb 19, 2021 | best practices, chatbot, developer, IBM, IT, watson
Chatbots take over customer serviceLast week, I was coach again at a chatbot hackathon. Chatbots have been around for a long time and I have blogged about tips & tricks for developing chatbots and resources many times. With Covid-19 transforming the world towards...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Dec 28, 2020 | conference, developer, fun, github, IT, linux, phone conference, webcams
OBS Studio: My monkey enjoys the beachSimilar to many of you, part of my work and hobbies consists of video conferencing. For some time now, I have been using OBS Studio (Open Broadcaster Software) to create a virtual camera on my Linux system. Recently, I had to...
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