by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Aug 25, 2023 | administration, applications, DB2, Docker, IBM, Python
A quick post about a feature I have been asking for for several years: The Db2 driver for Python, ibm_db, has wheel support now. It means that the Python package distributes a pre-built binary with the Db2 driver (for many Python versions and most users). So far, in...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Apr 20, 2023 | bluemix, cloudfoundry, IBM, ibmcloud, IT, Python
One of my first cloud appsRecently, I tried out a feature of IBM Cloud Code Engine: Deploying my app directly from source code. It was a simple app, but it failed. I was stunned and investigated the problem. To my surprise, I could have known it because it was...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Mar 24, 2023 | administration, github, IBM, ibmcloud, IT, Python, security
ER diagram for cloud security dataRecently, I looked into how to analyze the access management setup of my IBM Cloud account. I wanted to better understand what kind of access policies exist, what service instances are covered by rules and policies, etc. In the past,...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Jan 10, 2023 | dashdb, DB2, fun, IBM, ibmcloud, IT, Python
Generated PowerPoint slide with Db2 dataHow did you spend the holidays? I had some days off and then used the last day of vacation for some fun programming. Last year, I wanted to test the python-pptx package, but couldn’t find time. So I used my “fun...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Sep 6, 2022 | administration, data in action, IBM, ibmcloud, IT, json, Python, security
Custom role for operating Code EngineCybersecurity is always in a state of change. There are new security features and new attack methods – or was it the other way? Over the past months, several new security features were added to IBM Cloud. In this blog post, I...
by Henrik Loeser (data_henrik) | Jun 2, 2022 | applications, cloud, DB2, IBM, ibmcloud, IT, Kubernetes, mysql, Oracle, Python
Swagger UI for my events APIRecently, I wanted to create REST API for data managed in a Db2 on Cloud database. It was needed for a chatbot project using Watson Assistant. After looking into my options, I settled on APIFlask. In this blog, I am going to share my...
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