IBM Data Replication 2020: In a Nutshell

IBM replication is based on two unique technical solutions: InfoSphere Change Data Capture, the heritage DataMirror product, and Q-Replication, the IBM-developed replication solution that uses MQ messaging.

IBM replication supports numerous sources and targets. For heterogeneous environments, that is, where either the source or target are not Db2, IBM recommends InfoSphere Change Data Capture. For Db2 to Db2 replication, IBM recommends Q Replication.

The currently available sources are targets are below. New offerings are always being added; for a current list visit the IBM replication homepage.

New offering highlight: Mainframe replication for Db2 for z and VSAM featuring “Remote Capture”, with the replication engine installed off the mainframe. The new solution delivers easier installation and administration as well as lower MIPs consumption to support replication from System z.

Coming soon: Refreshed monitoring tools built on Watson Knowledge Catalog, enabling expanded governance and integration with replication monitoring.

Implementation support, healthchecks and education:  Contact The Fillmore Group. We have several Quickstart offerings and have been delivering the IBM replication education offerings for decades.

Replication Sources: Db2 (LUW, Z/OS, iSeries), Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, VSAM, IMS, Informix, Sybase, MySQL.

Replication Targets: All above RDBMSs plus Teradata, Kafka, Hadoop, Files, Information Server (DataStage/QualityStage), Cloudant, AWS RedShift, S3, Azure SQL DB, JDBC targets (MongoDb, etc.), IBM IAS/ Db2WH/Db2WHoC, Netezza/Cloud Pak 4 Data System, and more.

Remote Capture Quickstart

Postgres Capture Quickstart

Kafka Replication Quickstart